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(Ambystoma mexicanum)
These animals are extremely fascinating and easy to care for.
(Dendrobates tinctorius azureus)
A stunning species of small terrestrial frog.
(Adelphobates galactonotus)
Medium sized frog with a brightly coloured pattern "splashed" on its back.
(Ceratophrys cranwelli)
Also know as a pacman frog. Easy to care for ground frog that grows quite large.
(Ceratophrys cranwelli)
This morph is paler than an albino, and the green colour develops as they mature.
(Ceratophrys cranwelli)
This morph of horned frog develops its blue colouration as it gets older
(Ceratophrys cranwelli)
Also know as a pacman frog. Easy to care for ground frog that grows quite large.
(Litoria infrafrenata)
This is the World largest tree frog, reaching 5-6" when fully grown
(Agalychnis callidryas)
CB24. One of the most well known tree frogs for their vivid red eye colour.
(Chelonoidis carbonaria)
CB22 .A very colourful species of tortoise That grows large and requires meat in thier diet
(Testudo graeca)
CB23. Microchipped and licenced.
(Chamaeleo calyptratus)
CB24 Males. Colourful animals with lots of character.
(Chamaeleo calyptratus)
CB24 Females.Colourful animals with lots of character.
(Furcifer pardalis)
CB24 babies. Pairs only
(Pogona Vitticeps)
CB24 babies. Make great pets, very interactive.
(Pogona Vitticeps)
CB24 babies. Make great pets, very interactive.This morph has almost see-through spikes and scales, and jet black eyes
(Pogona henrylawsoni)
The smaller cousin of the bearded dragon, very hands on and make great pets
(Correlophus ciliatus)
A great beginner species. Easy to care for and good to handle
(Rhacodactylus auriculatus)
CB24 Similar to crested gecko, with rougher skin and motled markings.
(Eublepharis macularius)
Various colour morph / types including Mac snow and Jungle
(Mniarogekko chahoua)
First time we have had this species available. CB22 babies.
(Lepidodactylus lugubris)
A low maintenance, small species of gecko that are parthenogenic.
(Rhacodactylus leachianus)
This is the largest species of gecko in the world. Moro x Pine Island line
(Gecko Gecko)
One of the largest gecko species. Beautiful markings but has attitude!
(Anolis carolinensis)
CB24. A small, sleder species with the ability to switch colours from green to brown.
(Xenagama taylori)
A dwarf species of Agama rarely seen captive bred
(Varanus acanthurus)
CB24. A dwarf montior, great personality and easy to care for.
(Epicrates maurus)
CB24. The smallest of the rainbow boa species which becomes a rich chocolate brown colour with age.
(Gongylophis colubrinus)
CB21. A small species of burrowing boa.
(Pantherophis guttatus guttatus)
Adult. This morph lacks any black pigmentantion.
(Pantherophis guttatus guttatus)
A pattern morph with a distinctive stripe, red with no black colouration.
(Pantherophis guttatus guttatus)
Lacks red pigmentation, with the addition of Tessera markings
(Pantherophis guttatus guttatus)
CB22. The red colouration deepens as it gets older, has a plain belly.
(Pantherophis guttatus guttatus)
CB21. Becomes redder as it matures, with the addition of Tessera markings.
(Pantherophis guttatus guttatus)
A mixture of yellow and caramal brown colours with a distinctive dot markings down its back
(Pantherophis guttatus guttatus)
CB22. An orange body with red blotches, outlined with black.
(Pantherophis guttatus guttatus)
CB23. An unusal colour morph thast is white with orange and black spots
(Pantherophis guttatus guttatus)
CB22. A pretty corn snake with pink and white markings.
(Pantherophis guttatus guttatus)
A pattern morph with a distinctive stripe, pink and white with red eyes.
(Pantherophis guttatus guttatus)
CB21. Tessera trait which changes the standard markings almost a stripe alond the spine.
(Lampropeltis getula floridana)
CB22. Brown and tan banding, adult size 4-5ft.
( Lampropeltis calligaster)
CB22. Tan colouration with dark dorsal blotches. Adult size 2.5 -3.5ft.
(Morelia bredli)
CB20 Male. Semi arboreal, and can grow reasonably large.
(Morelia spilota cheynei)
CB20 Female. Striking yellow markings.
(Python regius)
CB21. Brown and tan in colour with a full body stripe.
(Python regius)
A great beginner snake. Original colour and markings.
(Python regius)
CB22 Male. A cross between a fire and a pastel
(Python regius)
CB22 Male. Similar to a common but brighter in colour.
(Python regius)
A great beginner snake.
(Pituophis catenifer sayi)
One of the largest species of snake in North America, reaching up to 8ft in length.
(lamprophis capensis)
A smaller species that is easy to keep and handle, great for beginers
(Nhandu tripeii)
6-7cm. A large fluffy species with strawberry blonde hairs.
(Pamphobeteus sp."platyomma")
A beautiful sp[ecies with a pinkish overall colour and a starburst pattern on the carapace.
(Hysterocrates gigas)
Juvinille. An agressive species that is the only know species to swim.
(Grammostola pulchripes)
1-2cm. A well known species for its good temperament and striking gold patterns
(Holothele longipes)
S/A female. A dwarf species with amazing colouration.
(Megaphobema robustum)
3cm. A large, attractive species that grows sharps spines on its rear legs to fight off predators
(Amazonius burgessi)
2-3cm. A recent addition to the hobby. Likes high humidty.
(Psalmopoeus reduncus)
3-4cm. An arboreal species that is brown with an olive carapace.
(Phormictopus auratus)
1cm. A terrestrial species that has a beautiful metallic gold carapace.
(Chilobrachys sp. kaeng krachan)
1cm. A large, jet black burrowing species
(Aphonopelma chalcodes)
Sling. A slow growing species that takes years to mature. Females can live over 25 years
(Ephebopus uatuman)
1cm. A secretive burrowing species
(Stromatopelma calceatum)
2cm. An agressive arboreal species that has fluffy legs
(Acanthoscurria geniculata)
4-5cm. A large species of tarantula with striking markings.
(Thrigmopoeus truculentus)
4-6cm. A burrowing species that has the ability to stridulate when it feels threatened.
(Harpactira pulchripes)
4-6cm. A stunning terrestrial species that likes to web
(Avicularia braunshauseni)
4cm. The largest species of Avicularia.
(Chrom. cyaneopubescens)
6-7cm. Beautiful colours and markings, can be skittish.
(Avicularia avicularia)
5-6cm. A medium sized arboreal species with pink tips on its legs
(Chilobrachys fimbriatus)
1cm. Very heavy webbers, can be very aggressive.
(Phormingochilus sp. "rufus")
1-2cm. A fast arboreal species with a tiger-striped pattern on their abdomen.
(Caribena versicolor)
1-2cm. A docile, arboreal spider with unique coloration
(Brachypelma bohemi)
4-5cm. A very pretty and docile spider. Black with orange legs.
(Aphonopelma bicoloratum)
1cm. A slow growing, docile species with orange legs.
(Brachypelma harmorii)
5-7cm. A calm ground dwelling spider with red markings on their legs
(Pterinochilus murinus)
5-6cm. AKA Orange Bitety Thing. Fast and fiesty.
(Pseudoclamoris gigas)
1-2cm. An arboreal species with attitude that likes to web
(Psalmopoeus pulcher)
A beautiful arboreal species in shades of tan and brown
(Avicularia juruensis)
Sling. Adults are a deep iridescent purple with pink toes.
(Caribena laeta)
1-2cm. A dolice tree dwelling species.
(Orphnaecus philippinus)
1cm. A slender burrowing species that is a gorgerous tangerine colour
(Avicularia juruensis)
5-7cm. Adults are a deep iridescent purple with pink toes
(Phidippus regius)
An easy to care for and entertaining little spider
(Lasiodora parahybana)
6-8cm.With a leg span of up 10 inches,this one of the largest tarantulas in the world.
(Omothymus violaceopes)
2cm. A large arboreal species with intense blue colouration on the legs
(Monocentropus balfouri)
6-8cm. A beautiful species with blue legs that builds intricate webs
(Monocentropus balfouri)
1-2cm. A beautiful species with blue legs that builds intricate webs
(Ceratogyrus marshalli)
5cm. Charecterized by having a "horn" protruding from the carapace..
(Aphonopelma seemani)
1cm. A terrestrial species with striking markings
(Aphonopelma anax)
Juvinille. A slow growing, easy to care for species.
(Ornithoctonus aureotibialis)
3-4cm. A defensive burrowing species
(Heteroscodra maculata)
Sling. A very stunning and remarkable old world tarantula. Very fast.
(Neoholothele incei)
4-5cm. An active terrestial species that builds heavy webs
(Psalmopoeus irminia)
1-2cm. This species is striking black in coloration with vibrant orange chevron and leg markings
(Psalmopoeus irminia)
6-7cm. This species is striking black in coloration with vibrant orange chevron and leg markings
(Psalmopoeus langenbucheri)
Sling. A smaller species of Psalmopoeus, can be skittish.
(Chilobrachys dyscolus)
6-7cm. beautiful spider that is defensive and fast
(Avicularia bicegoi)
4cm. A large arboreal species covered in long white wooly hairs. Rarely seen in the trade.
(Nhandu chromatus)
5-6cm. A fast growning, large species
(Ceratogyrus meridionalis)
1cm. A burrowing species that is a mixture of grey, brown and gold in colour
(Bumba horrida)
1-2cm. A shy species that has unusual, dark blue slender legs.
(Iridopelma hirsutum)
1-2cm. A defensive arboreal species that needs high humidity.
(Ybyrapora diversipes)
sling. A small arboreal species that is a silver/blue colour with long pink hairs on the abdomen and legs
(Neischnocolus sp. panama)
1cm. Only reaching 3" when fully grown with beautiful colouration.
(Grammostola rosea)
2-3cm. This used to be the most common tarantula, now rare to see in the hobby. A great beginner species
(Pseudohapalopus sp. "blue")
1cm. A docile dwarf species with a meatllic blue abdomen.
(Cyriocosmus leetzi)
0.5cm. A small docile species suitable for a begginer
(Chilobrachys sp. "kaeng krachan")
1-2cm. A large, jet black burrowing species
(Hapalopus sp. "Guerilla")
1cm. This dwarf species is the largest of all Hapalopus genus, with strinking red and black markings.
(Lasiodora difficilis)
1-2cm. Similar to the salmon pinks but with more red colouration on the abdomen.
(Ybyrapora sooretama)
Sling. A beautiful new species of Pink Toe
(Heterothele gabonensis)
1cm. A heavy webbing species than can be kept communally
(Selenocosmia javanensis
1-2cm. An agressive fossorial species. Brown/black in colouration.
(Birupes simoroxigorum)
1-2cm. A burrowing species with bright blue legs
(Avicularia minatrix)
1c. A dwarf arboreal species only growing to about 2.5"
(Psalmopoeus cambridgei)
1-2cm. A tree dwelling tarantula that creates webbed hideouts
(Phidippus ardens
Sub adults. An easy to care for and entertaining little spider with a bright red abdomen.
(Selenocosmia crassipes)
Sling. A burrowing species that will take on very large prey
(Pseudohapalopus sp."Colombia"
1cm. Only discovered in 2014, this is a dwarf terrestrial species that is yellow & blue
(Peruphasma schultei)
A stunning insect that feeds on privet and honeysuckle
(Lissachatina fulica)
These make ideal pets as they are easy to look after and grow up to 8"
(Extatosoma tiaratum)
AKA macleay's spectre. Facinating to watch and easy to keep
(Gromphadorhina portentosa)
Large cockroachs that hiss when they feel theartened
(Heterochaeta orientalis)
Also know as a cat-eye Mantis. reaches 12cm when fully grown.
(Hierodula membrenacea)
A large mantis, very easy to keep
(Creobroter sp. Yunnan)
A small species of mantis with pretty markings.
(Platymeris biguttatus)
Feirce predatory insect, with a needle like mouthpart to inject their prey.